Thursday, August 20, 2009

The New Blog

Around six or seven years ago I switched from Blurty to Livejournal. It seemed the right thing to do at the time - after all, too many of my peers had already made the jump and I was in danger of being left behind. Lemming that I am, I abandoned the awful layout of blurty for the half-decent layout of livejournal, in the process leaving behind the adolescent angst, unfocused attempts at stylistic flourish, and overall lameness that had defined my early-to-mid high school years. Livejournal represented a new era in Andrew maturity.

Well, we all know how that went. Now that I'm on the cusp of 23, entering my last year of school and beginnig my professional life it's time I delete that old, probably embarassing blog and start again with something a little drier, a little more thought out, and overall more positive.

Oh, and I'm totally riding the coat tails of Joel and Brett. Sorry, guys, I'm a poseur and whatever the singular form of sheeple is (sherson?).

So, what's new in my life? First off, I'm writing this from my last day at a temp agency that's been one of my many, many jobs this summer. Tonight is the first night I've had off in a long while. I've been music directing locally in Brooklyn, working this part-time day job, and producing and arranging up in Westchester and Stamford. The more I work on records the more it becomes clear to me that I'd rather be a producer/arranger than a singer/songwriter. I don't have to worry about whether a record or song is in keeping with who I am or my image or any other ego stuff - it's simply answering two questions - "does this sound good?" and "is this what the artist wants?" I have more opportunity to lose myself in the work and less opportunity to lose the work in myself.

Also, producing is AWESOME.

So, right now I'm focusing on finishing school while getting a few solid records under my belt, tightening up my arranging abilities, becoming an all-around studio keyboardist (better rhythm, experience with organ, e pno, and synths, learning how to tune pianos), networking, and starting up a few production companies with the goal of not needing a day job once I get out of school.

Tonight is my last free night in New York for the summer. After this it's production up, then two nights upstate working on the records, airplane to California, sister's wedding, and then back to school for my last year.

Hello, new blog!